Elian, Elisa, ChatAid

Summary: We are two 22-year-old university students - one guy, one girl - and we are about to find a strange device in the basement of our city's library. Sayrosa, a futuristic city. This is our story.
*OR* a mysterious software, ChatAid, beings from different worlds who need help and a little romance, I presume?

A date, a mystery. [ELIAN]

My name is Elian. I'm a redhead with blue eyes and I wear black all the time. I've always been a slacker. I think college is boring as hell. The classes are just as stupid. Unlike Elisa who excels at everything. Even though we're in the same classes a lot, we barely speak to each other, until one day my buddies dared me to ask Elisa out. I thought it was a stupid dare, but I didn't want to look like a wimp in front of my friends, so I asked the blonde student out.

"*You* and me?" She said to me in a haughty tone. "And to go where?"

"Wherever you want."

I didn't know what else to say to her. Elisa is always dressed in red. I wonder why.

"I have work to do for this class, so if you don't mind..."

"No, not at all!" I say to Elisa, while cutting her off. "We can go to your house!"

The best place to flirt with a woman is in her home. Everyone knows that.

"My place? NO!" Elisa replies, "Let's go to the library later today. I need the holographic book of Zar..."

I sigh. A date in a library. My buddies will laugh at me for a week, that's for sure. Still, I show up at the time Elisa tells me.

The date is quite boring. Elisa does her work, with her head buried in her HoloBooks. Meanwhile, I look at the time on my holographic watch. Suddenly, the numbers go haywire and my watch reads "111:11" instead of "18:00".

"Hey, Elisa."


"Is your HoloWatch going crazy too?"

"What are you talking about?"

Elisa looks up and looks at her watch. It says "111:11". She says an "oh" to me and I find it strange. Not Elisa's "oh" but our HoloWatches. The young woman goes back to her HoloBooks.

I look around. The library is deserted.

"Hey. Where is everyone?" I ask Elisa.

"It's a library, not a restaurant. It's rarely crowded."

"That's not what I mean. It looks like we're alone."

Elisa takes the time to look around and away.

"You're right, Elian. This is not normal. Come on, let's get out of here."

We try to leave the library, but the exit door refuses to work.

"How... ?" Elisa asks. "Sel, opening."

Sel is a male Artificial Intelligence. He is the one who controls the doors.

"Sel?" Elisa asks again. "Opening the exit door... please?"

Nothing happens. The door doesn't move.

"Isn't there another way out?" I ask the blonde student.

"Not that I know of, but there's always the basement."

"The basement?"

"An area used only by employees, AI technicians." Elisa explains.

The library has three AIs. "Sel" for doors, "Ira" for holographic book search and "Dir" for emergency contacts. They all seem to be out of order.

"Maybe there's someone there who can help us get out." Said Elisa.

"Then I'll follow you." I concluded. "Let's go to the basement."


In the basement, a strange device. [ELIAN]

We go to the basement. There is no sign of an employee and the security doors are all open.

"Shit!" I say, angrily. "There's no way out!"

"We're on our own. How is that possible?" Elisa asks.

She looks at her watch. The time is still out of whack.

"‘111:11’... Hey, Elian, what if we are in the middle of a paranormal phenomenon."

"You mean, like in a haunted place? That's crazy!"

"Yet we can't get out..." Elisa retorts, "And everyone else is gone!"

"Okay, so what do you suggest?" I asked her. "That we have a ghost hunt?"

"Not to ghosts, but we have to find something... something unusual. This is our way out!"

"If you say so."

Suddenly, the lights go out and we are in total darkness.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shouts the red-clad student.

"SHIT, I can't see anything! Elisa, where are you?"

"I'm always next to you."

"Okay, but *where* exactly? I don't want to be on the floor with you!"

"‘On the floor with me’?!" Says an angry Elisa. "What are you thinking?"

"That sounds... not good." I reply. "I'm sorry for my displaced words."

The young woman then tells me that she sees something in the distance. A green light.

"Just a moment." I said to her. "Yes, I see it too."

"Let's take a closer look. This may be the unusual object we'll need to find to get out of here."

I then told Elisa to go first.

"Go first?" She asks me. "I don't even know if I'm in front or behind you!"

I take two steps forward and bump into Elisa. She screams in fear.

"Okay, I'm right in front of you!" She said after shouting.

The blonde-haired student goes towards the green light and I follow her. We find a strange device turned on.

"What is it?" I asked. "Some kind of greenish screen? Whatever it is, it's emitting a green light."

"Oh, I know what it is!" said Elisa happily. "I read about it in a HoloBook about ancient technology. It's a personal computer."

"A ‘computer’?"

"Unlike modern technology, such as the HoloPad," Elisa explains to me "you have to ‘type’ on a ‘keyboard’ to use a computer, unless the screen is touch-sensitive."

"And this keyboard is that thing?" asked I while pointing to a long, black-colored object with keys.

"It looks that way." Says Elisa, "I wonder if I can..."

She types her name. Nothing happens.

"Hmm. You probably need to type a command, like 'open <program name>'. Hm. There's something written here on the left side of the screen."

Elisa squints. I wonder if it's to better see what's written on the screen.


ChatAid, a very strange program. [ELIAN]

"‘ChatAid - For those who need help, no matter what world they come from.’" Elisa read aloud before unfolding her eyes.

"ChatAid... what a cheesy name." I say in a mocking way. "‘Aid’, I can understand. As in ‘first AID kit’, but what is a ‘Chat’? Certainly not a cat."

"I have no idea. Well, let's see."

Elisa types "open chataid". This doesn’t work.

"Elisa, wait. This key... here."

"The Enter key?"

"Yes, perhaps it should be pressed?"

"Okay." Said the red-clad student. "So... ‘open chataid’ plus the Enter key."

The screen changes from dark green to a dark blue, almost black, and the ChatAid’s description is gone.

"Cool, it works!" I say, all happy. "But the screen isn't as bright. I can barely see the keys on the keyboard."

Luckily, the young woman with blond hair had a good idea.

"Let's use the light from our HoloWatches as a flashlight!"

By placing our watches, which are always out of sync, on either side of the keyboard, we can see the keys.

Suddenly, a series of words appeared. To their left was the image of a large question mark.

<???> [Hey.]

<???> [Is anyone there?]

<???> [I'm sure I said the right spell.]

<???> [For ChatAid, I mean.]

<???> [This spell is supposed to send someone to help me, but there is no one.]

"Huh? A spell?" I said, surprised. "I don't understand, and why is there no sound?"

"It's not like holographic conversations." Explains Elisa, "Those words have to be that person's spoken words and we can probably respond to them in the same way."

"By typing?"

"Yes, by typing on the keyboard."

"These old technologies are crap!" I exclaimed. "You have to use your hands."

All Sayrosa's technologies work by voice command. If touch is ever necessary, it happens very rarely.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Elisa retorts, "I think it's great! So, what do I tell them?"

"I don't know. Whatever you want."

The young woman then begins to type.

<Elisa> [Who are you?]

"Wow, my name came up too!" exclaims Elisa.

An image of Elisa appeared to the left of her name.

"What is this image? An avatar?" I asked. "This person has one too. A question mark."

"No doubt."

<???> [Ohhhh, I hear a voice in my head! It worked!]

The student dressed in red continues to type.

<Elisa> [A voice? *My* voice?]

<???> [It's more like a distant echo of a voice, but yes, it must be yours.]

<Elisa> [Okay but you didn't answer my question.]

<Rez> [Sorry. My name is Rezso, but you can call me Rez.]

"Rez. What a stupid name." I say without embarrassment.

"Oh, shut up with your nonsense!" retorts Elisa.

All of a sudden, Rez's avatar image changed.

"Why does he now have a wolf as his avatar image?" I ask the blonde student.

She tells me she doesn't know, then continues typing.

<Elisa> [Rez. My name is Elisa. Do you need help?]

<Rez> [YES! My dad consumed Ru and I don't know if I should use the watch or not!]

"Huh? What?" I say, surprised by what I read.


Rez and his father. [ELIAN]

Elisa is as surprised as I am. She continues to communicate with Rez.

<Elisa> [Your father did what?]

<Rez> [He consumed Ru! It was horrible!]

<Elisa> [Who’s Ru?]

<Rez> [His full name is Russell. He is 18 years old and has blond hair. My father consumed him alive with his grandfather.]

I ask the young woman if I can type, too.

"I thought you said old technology was crap." She said to me in a mocking tone.

"Yes, and I still mean it, but I still want to tell him a thing or two."

"As you wish." Elisa says to me, while giving me her seat, so I can type on the keyboard.

<Elian> [Hey Rez! When you say "consumed" do you mean literally consuming something or... well something else?]

"Something else?" The red-clad student asks me. "You're not thinking about... rape, are you?"

"Well," I said, "it's possible that his father is... mentally disturbed, so..."

<Rez> [I don't understand... "something else"? Like what?]

"Okay, this is pretty embarrassing." I say aloud, before continuing to type.

<Elian> [I mean... did your father... uh, rape Ru?]

<Rez> [No! He only rapes women before consuming... er, eating them... and I didn't know that two spirits help me!]

<Elian> [Wait... "two spirits"?]

<Rez> [Yes, it's obvious. I used the spell and then I hear two voices in my head. Two spirits from another world came to my aid!]

Rez was wrong.

<Elian> [Ohhhhhhhhh there! We aren’t spirits. We live in Sayrosa.]

<Rez> [Say-what?]

<Elian> [Sayrosa. It’s a city.]

<Rez> [I don't know that. I've never left the forest in my life.]

<Elian> [The forest? What forest?]

<Rez> [I don't know.]

I find Rez more and more strange. I ask him why he has a wolf image as his avatar.

<Rez> [An image? An avatar? I don't understand.]

<Elian> [Uh.]

This cannot be possible. Yet...

<Elian> [Are you... a... a wolf?]

I never thought I would ask him such a stupid question in my life. I never thought I would get a "yes" for an answer either.

<Rez> [Yes, like my father, Valko. I'm still young compared to him.]

Elisa starts shouting several "no's" and then says that's not possible.

"Why not?" I asked the blonde-haired student. "The image of his avatar is indeed a wolf, and if we are *really* in the middle of a paranormal phenomenon, anything is possible."

Elisa remains silent and I continue to type.

<Elian> [Okay, Rez. My name is Elian. I need to know more if you want Elisa and I to help you.]

<Rez> [All right. What do you want to know?]

<Elian> [First of all, how do you type if you are a wolf?]

<Rez> ["Type"?]

<Elian> [Yes, on the computer.]

<Rez> [What are you talking about? The spell allows me to hear your voice and answer it mentally.]

"Telepathy? It's incredible!" exclaims Elisa.

<Elian> [Never mind. So is your father, Valko, dangerous?]

<Rez> [For humans, yes. It devours travelers as they pass through the forest.]

<Elian> [When he's not raping ladies, right?]

<Rez> [That's true but, as I said, he eats them afterwards.]

<Elian> [Okay, so did he eat Ru and his grandfather?]

<Rez> [Yes. The old man lives in a cabin in the woods. Ru often visited him. My father used me to follow Ru and find out where his grandfather lives. Then Valko waited until nightfall to attack and eat them.]

"That's horrible!" said the student wearing red. "But I need to know. Ask him if he eats humans too."


<Elian> [Do you also eat humans?]

<Rez> [NO! I find it disgusting and horrible! My father would want me to enjoy the taste of human flesh, but... no.]

<Elian> [Uh... so... does your dad also want you to, well, rape women?]

"DAMN, THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" yells an angry Elisa.

"You never know," I replied. "If Valko wants his son to eat humans, who's to say he doesn't want him to, uh, you know? To fuck pretty women?"

"Yet Valko is a wolf! How can a wolf have sex with a human being?"

The young blonde woman just asked an excellent question.

"Well, he's no ordinary wolf. He has intelligence, like his son. Maybe he has a humanoid form and maybe he can walk, like in fairy tales?"

An anthropomorphic wolf.

"So... oh, by the Holy Divine!" retorts a disgusted Elisa. "I don't want *that* image in my mind!"

I ask Elisa what she’s talking about.

"You know, a ‘humanoid wolf raping a blonde woman dressed in red’?"

I reply with a simple "oh" followed by a scene straight out of my perverse imagination.

"Do you mean an ‘humanoid wolf who licks her nipples, one after the other, while delicately and gently fingering her pussy, and then pushes his cock in deep to cum in a blonde woman dressed in red’?"

Upon hearing me, the student wearing red starts yelling at me.


"W-What? What did I say wro...?"

"We are *not* in one of your twisted porn fantasies!" says Elisa, cutting me off. "GET A GRIP!!!"

I apologize by gibbering something. I couldn't help it. I've been watching pornographic movies not long ago. Fortunately, Rez quickly answers my question, which distracts Elisa's dark thoughts about me. As for KuroDaze, it's an expression used as a slur to express stupor.

<Rez> [Hmm. Well, yeah, but my dad told me I'm still young for that, so he's more insistent that I devour people.]

"Thank you HoloLumiStars!" the young woman said happily.

HoloLumiStars are holographic projections of luminous stars. I continue to communicate with Rez.

<Elian> [I see. Can you tell me more about the spell you use to get help?]

<Rez> [Oh, it wasn't much. An incantation for ‘ChatAid.’ It was an old legend my late mother told me.]

<Elian> [Okay. One more thing. Earlier you mentioned a watch.]

<Rez> [Yes. That's why I need help. This pocket watch is magical but cursed. It is said that it can allow its user to go back in time in exchange for his soul. I want to save Ru and his grandfather but I don't want to die!]

<Elian> [So you called for help because you're indecisive?]

<Rez> [Yes. Elian, Elisa, I need you!]

I can't believe it. A smart wolf needs our help with a critical decision. I look at Elisa and she seems to be thinking.


Critical decision! [ELIAN]

Elisa remains silent for some time and then she speaks to me.

"Elian, let me type."

"Why? I'm beginning to like it."

"Because it's not a decision to be made lightly. If Rez is real..."

"What? Do you think it's not real? So what, we have a common dream?"

Elisa doesn't know what to say. She says a "yes", then "no", then "I don't know".

"This is all so weird..." the young blonde woman continues to say. "...*but* if Rez is real we have in our hands the power to kill him!"

"If he uses that magic watch?" I asked.

"Right and it's creepy!"

The student wearing red asks me again to let her type. I give up my place.

<Elisa> [I'm back. Rez, this is not an easy decision to make. If this watch really takes souls, you're going to die.]

<Rez> [I know. It's a trade, sort of. One life for two.]

<Elisa> [Yes, but if you really succeed in stopping your father. Let's say everything works out and you go back in time, how do you plan to stop Valko?]

<Rez> [I'm going to talk to him, tell him not to hurt Ru and his grandfather.]

<Elisa> [What if he doesn't listen to you?]

<Rez> [I'll fight him to the death!]

"Wow!" I said aloud to myself. "He's really determined."

"Even if he doesn't want to die." Elisa replied, before continuing to type.

<Elisa> [But he's still your dad, even though he does some very, *very* disgusting things!]

<Rez> [I know, but I want to save Ru and his grandfather.]

<Elisa> [Well, it sounds like you've already made up your mind.]

<Rez> [Do you think so?]

<Elisa> [You said you didn't want to die, but you're really ready to save Ru. Is he a friend to you?]

<Rez> [We've only seen each other once... but yes, I would like us to be friends.]

<Elisa> [Then use the pocket watch.]

I ask Elisa what she's doing. Why is she telling Rez to do this? The blonde student doesn't answer me. She continues to type.

<Elisa> [Who are we to stop you? Just two voices in your head.]

<Rez> [You're right, but if I *die*, you and Elian shouldn't feel responsible, okay?]

Elisa refrains from crying.

<Rez> [Ok?]

She can't hold back any longer. The young woman bursts into tears and refuses to type any more.

<Rez> [Elisa? Elian?]

I take her place to answer Rez.

<Elian> [We're still here. Go ahead, Rez, use the watch.]

<Rez> [Thank you. Thank you both. This ‘ChatAid’ is great! I'll say the spell to activate the magic watch. Goodbye.]

<Elian> [Goodbye, Rez. Good luck.]

<Rez> [O timepiece, Reverse Me Now!]

Then all the messages from the conversation with Rez are erased from the screen. A "Thank you for using ChatAid!" appeared, followed by "Please come back to help another soul, same time tomorrow." and then the computer shuts down.

Elisa is surprised by the turn of events.

"Tomorrow... at the same time...?" she said aloud to herself, as she continued to cry.

Suddenly, the computer disappears, the lights come back on, our holographic watches show 18 hours, and we hear a man's voice screaming.

"Uh-oh!" I exclaimed. "It's probably someone from the library. Let's get out of here!"

We take back our HoloWatches and we return among the holographic books. Elisa is still sad. I try to talk to her but she doesn’t answer me, so I have to shout her name to make her react.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Elian. I think... I'm going to go home."

I ask her if she'll be okay.

"Yes, yes, of course. It's just... we probably killed him!"

Rez, the smart wolf, surely from another world.

"Hey, it was his choice," I said to the young woman to reassure her. "Rez, he knows what he's doing."

"Yet... ‘ChatAid’..." said Elisa thoughtfully, "The message said to come back tomorrow at the same time."

She's not going to go back there! I try to dissuade her, but it's useless.

"If I can help - and even save - lives, I will go back! Every day!"

I tell Elisa that's crazy and she gets angry.

"Maybe for you, lazy slacker with twisted porn fantasies, but not for me. Whether you come or not, I'll be with ChatAid tomorrow!"

The student wearing red had stopped crying. Her anger had taken over. Without saying anything more, she left the library, leaving me alone and frustrated. With nothing else to do, I went home.

The next day at the university, I was able to tell my buddies that I had "dated" Elisa at the library and that I planned to see her again. No one laughs at me. It's for the best.

Whatever the young blonde woman thinks of me, I refuse to leave her alone to face this unknown phenomenon that is ChatAid. So, after class, I met her at the library.

"Ah... you're back." she said in a neutral tone. "You didn't want to leave me alone, did you?"

"Yeah! Don't worry. I don't have any twisted XXX fantasies about you."

"I hope so, for your own sake!"

Because, yes, Elisa might very well think that I want to fuck her, or worse, rape her. After all, she always wears red and there is that scene straight out of my perverse imagination about the anthropomorphic wolf who rapes a blonde woman dressed in red!


ChatAid, new options. [ELISA]

My name is Elisa and I'm at the library. I can't believe Elian is back. Is he really worried about me or does he have a twisted idea in his perverted head?

Anyway, we're waiting for our HoloWatches to go crazy. As soon as they show "111:11" instead of "18:00", we both know what's going on.

"I can't believe it!" exclaims Elian. "It's happening again!"

"Come on, let's go to the basement. Someone else will need our help via ChatAid."

The red-haired guy says "yes" and we go back to the basement. Again, there is no sign of an employee and the security doors are all open

"Just like last time." The young man says to me. "Oh, I see the green light from the computer. Over here!"

We go to the computer, we put our watches to see the keys of the keyboard, and I type "open chataid" plus the Enter key.

The screen changes from dark green to a dark blue, almost black. ChatAid’s description has disappeared and a new message appears.

[New options unlocked: "Souls' Change", "Souls' POV". For more information, type "!help."]

"This is new." Says Elian. "And they're in a different language."

I know it. I explain to the black-clad student that it is an ancient language, very common in old technology, and then I type "!help", because we need to know more.

(Author’s note: This makes more sense in the French original version, where Elisa type previous commends in French and those new options appears in English.)

Information immediately appears on the screen.

["Souls' Change": When you need to help a group of souls, this option allows you to communicate with another soul than the one present. To do so, type ''!change <soul name>''.]

["Souls' POV": This option allows you to see through the eyes of the contacting soul, as long as it has a physical presence. To use it, type "!pov <soul name>". You cannot communicate with the soul while this option is in use. To return to communications, use "!comms <soul name>"]

"Okay... Does this mean we're going to have to help multiple people?" asks Elian.

"It would appear so."

I press the Enter key again, the information disappears and a series of messages appears.

<???> [Hey!]

<???> [Is this "ChatAid" enabled?]

<???> [I need help! This is an emergency!]

<Elisa> [Of course. My name is Elisa. How can I help you?]

<???> [We are trapped!]

<Elisa> [I need more information. Trapped where? And what's your name?]

<???> [In this creepy hotel, "Pleasures’ Paradise."]

<Danieru> [My name is Danieru, and there are my friends Guy, William and Abigaël.]

<Danieru> [This crazy bitch, killer catgirl wants to kill us all and she's not alone!]

"Wait." Said the red-haired student. "Did he say ‘catgirl’ like in manga?"

"Yes, but..."

<Danieru> [I'm out of time. I have to run!]

[Danieru is OFFLINE.]

Elian asks me what happened.

"It's time to use the new options." I tell him before typing ‘!pov Danieru’.

Danieru's messages fade away and the computer screen shows us a very primitive moving image. Simple colored lines on a black background. We see a corridor, several turns at the corners, and a door approaching.


This is too much! [ELISA]

"It's Danieru! We see what he sees!" I exclaimed. "In a very primitive way, sure, but..."

I see that Danieru looks quickly behind him and Elian and I have had time to see a catgirl. She’s naked and armed with a knife.

"Oh, by the HoloSparks!" exclaims Elian. "I could see her nipples! I'm sure they're making milk!"

I gave the young man wearing black a dark look and he apologized. I'm sure he's either stupid or a pervert, with all his twisted pornographic fantasies. Then we see the door open and close quickly. Danieru has entered a room and is going to hide somewhere.

"Well, he should be safe... shouldn't he?" I questioned. "I'll try to communicate with one of his friends. First ‘!comms Danieru’ then ‘!change Guy’."

[Guy is OFFLINE.]

I'm worried about him. I quickly type "!pov Guy". With fright, we see his corpse. He is headless and his penis is covered with a white liquid. Semen, you know.

"Do we see... from his decapitated head's eyes?" asks Elian. "That makes no sense!"

He's not wrong, but the message for "Souls' POV" did say that "this option allows you to see through the eyes of the contacting soul, as long as it has a physical presence." Like a corpse. Although it shouldn't be possible to see from dead eyes.

"Still, it's too horrible and disgusting!" I said, disgusted. "Elian, I'm not sure I want to continue."

My words frustrate him.

"What? Are you kidding me?! You're the one who said you wanted to help - and even save - lives with ChatAid! Every day!"

"Yes, but it's not like with Rez and his father! What if... What if by using "!pov" again, we see a rape in *LIVE*?" I explained. "My psyche couldn't handle that!"

"A rape in...? Like on a SexHoloLive?" asks Elian, before arguing. "Well, look, anything is possible but we can't give up on Danieru! Then there is William and Abigaël. What if they are still alive?"

"Okay, okay." I said, defeated. "I'd be willing to check on William and Abigaël with a quick "!pov" but that's it! Danieru will have to fend for himself."

Elian tells me "ok". I type "!change William" then "!pov William".

We see on the screen... what couldn't be unseen. William is hiding behind *something* and he sees his friend Abigaël being raped by a dark-haired man, probably the killer catgirl’s friend.

The man was sucking violently on her left nipple while his penis went in and out of her sacred hole. All the while, his hands were caressing her back and buttocks. We could feel William trembling with fear.

Although the presentation is very primitive, I could imagine everything in SexHoloLive, and I'm holding back from throwing up.

"Elisa, quick, use ‘!comms William’! We can help him and save Abigaël!"

I don't listen to Elian. My mind is breaking. This is too much! The redheaded student is shouting my name and I'm yelling at him.

"NO! THIS IS TOO MUCH! I *don't* care why ChatAid exists, who created it, why you and I found it here, if William and the others are going to die, I don't care *anymore*! I'M GOING HOME!!!"

Elian tells me that we can't leave while ChatAid is online.

"Then we must help William and the others!"

"Help them if you want," I tell him, "but I'm leaving!"

Without saying anything else, I leave the basement and return to the HoloBooks. I feel so empty inside and, at the same time, a little sad and also cowardly. I am abandoning people in need. It is inconceivable! I always help others when I amn’t busy with my studies.

On the other hand, these beings aren't from our world and I have no proof that they are *really* real. The smart wolf Rez, his rapist father, Ru, Ru's grandfather, Danieru and his friends... But ChatAid is real and it's disturbing.


The young man with red hair. [ELISA]

I wait for what seems like an eternity, then the library lights come back on. Elian has done it. I see him return with my holographic watch. He says "here you go" before handing me back my HoloWatch.

"So... uh..." He then says to me hesitantly. "Do you want details... or...?"

I ask Elian to be brief. I still wanted to know. The young man wearing black tells me that he spoke, or rather typed, with William. He wanted to help him but William tried to attack the man to save Abigaël. He failed and William was killed. However, Abigaël managed to escape. Then, Elian contacted Danieru. He was still alive, so the redheaded student told him that Guy and William are dead and that he must find Abigaël quickly. Danieru immediately went to look for her. He found Abigaël, but the rapist man and the catgirl killer showed up.

"So... were they both killed?" I asked Elian.

"Yes, but the man and the catgirl had ‘sexual pleasure’ with them first, then ChatAid closed with a ‘Thanks for using ChatAid’ and ‘Better luck next time.’ I don't think there will be a next time, will there?"

He's right. I refuse to go back to ChatAid.

"Yes for me," I say, "but there's nothing stopping you from going back, if you want."

"But it won't be the same without you." The red-haired student replies to me.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, I mean...  I never would have come here without you."

"That's true. What, do you want to go out on a *real* date?"

Elian is surprised. He didn't expect me to say that.

"Wait... Did you know about my friends and the ‘dating dare’?" He asks me.

"No, but I guessed it. I don't really mind going out with you... once. After that, we go back to our lives."

"Okay, but only if we have a one-night stand afterwards!"

His words make me boil with rage.

"WHAT. IS. THIS. BULLSHIT. ELIAN!  After the rape we saw, you *dare* ask me to have sex with y...!!!"

"Oh oh! I feel *so* stupid! Forget it, Elisa! No dating, no sex, let's move on."

Suddenly, I look at him, he looks at me, and I make up my mind.

"What the hell. I'll do it." I say, in a determined tone. "We're going out tomorrow."

"You... Are you sure? Really sure?" asks Elian. "I don't want to force you."

"Yes, I am! Let's do this."

We leave the library and tomorrow I go out with him.

He takes me to a fast food restaurant, which is not romantic at all, but then we go to see a romantic HoloMovie. It's more classy.

Finally, when the evening came, I went to his house - no question of making love in my home! - and I lie naked in his bed.

"We're clear, this is just a one-night stand." I say to the young man.

Elian joins me, also naked, and he says "sure".

This isn't the first time I've slept with a guy. It's not the first time he's had sex with a woman. Elian has experience.

While his lips kissed my neck and breasts, his skilled fingers wet my pussy. I had to beg him to get them inside me, so I could have an orgasm. When he pulls his fingers out, I ask him if he learned all this from watching porn.

"Oh NO! Porn movies aren't real, you are. Now it's time to clean you up."

His tongue "cleans" my pussy, and I feel like I'm floating, like I'm going to fly away.

"Ah~ Ah~ ♫!" I orgasm with pleasure.

"Do you like it?" Elian asks me. "I'm going to enter you with my cock now."

Elian enters me and I quickly climax. He ejaculates and my soul is in HoloVana, the pleasure paradise. After that, we lie next to each other.

Before it gets light, I wake up and leave Elian's house without waking him up. It may seem harsh, but it's for the best. We have to go back to our life as students.


ChatAid, here we go again! [ELISA]

Our lives are returning to normal. I continue my studies and sometimes I see Elian in certain classes. We hardly speak to each other, until one day he comes to me in a panic. I ask him what's wrong.

"You're not going to believe this, but this is about ChatAid!"

The redheaded student opens his HoloPad and he shows me a chat room. Everyone is talking about ChatAid. It seems that ChatAid has been popping up all over the world and some of its users - who were trying to help/save people from other worlds - are now gone!

"A new option, ‘!soulswap’, seems to be the cause." Elian explains to me.

"No kidding! It's pretty messy."

The young man wearing black says we should do something. I tell him "no" over and over again. I have to take care of my life, after all.

"Maybe, but it confirms that people who communicate for help via ChatAid are real!" He retorts to me. "Or maybe ChatAid is just a trap set by aliens/robots/mutants/whatever to observe us. Either way, we should *really* do something."

I sigh in anger. Elian is a real persistent person.

"Come on," he tells me, "let's go back to the library’s basement and..."

"Wait!" I reply. "Before doing anything, I need to know more. I need to check out this chat room. Hmm. ‘Princess Lolira’. Sounds like an interesting conversation."

Elian tells me not to look because it's hardcore porn. To save me from another mental shock, he summarizes it for me. A young redheaded woman, Alice, used ChatAid. She came across a pink-haired princess, Lolira, who is the prisoner of an undead wizard. This wizard uses her as a sex toy and does hardcore stuff to her. A mixture of BDSM with torture and sex. The princess needs help to escape. Unfortunately, Alice doesn't know how to help her, but she gives her moral support. She comforts Lolira like a good psychiatrist, but Alice has been in contact with the princess for a good week and she's the one who could use some therapy! Alice has heard too many horrible things from Lolira. I can't believe it.

"Oh my KuroDaze!!!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, I had checked many convos and there is enough material to do a series of XXX works. I swear to you!" Elian tells me. "Anyway, I can tell you more on the way. Let's go!!!"

I sigh again. He's not going to give me a choice. I tell him "okay" and we go back to the library. We wait for the computer and ChatAid to return. As soon as they appear, we go to the basement, and I start typing away.

"Other people need us!" I say aloud to myself. "But I hope I don't see any XXX scenes again."

"Don't worry." Said Elian. "If that happens, I'll take your place and type for you."

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